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One Chapter Shines in ARCS Chapter Challenges

Posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2023

All fifteen of ARCS Foundation’s regional chapters are challenged each year by ARCS National to raise funds for ARCS National. Members and their family and friends from across the nation support their favorite chapter by donating to ARCS National’s Operations and/or Endowment Funds for their chapter’s chance to win ARCS Scholar grants.

From the 2022-23 Chapter Challenge, one chapter rose to the top. Congratulations to the Phoenix Chapter for achieving the best results in both challenges – for the second year in a row.

The chapter will receive a $2,500 Scholar Award Participation Grant to be used for their Scholar Awards program. This is their reward for the most individual member participation.

Phoenix Chapter will also receive another $2,500 grant, the Scholar Award Champion Grant, for generating the most donations overall in the challenge.

What lights the competitive fire in the Phoenix Chapter?

Our membership is dedicated to the mission of ARCS. We have a close relationship with our three universities, and that fosters a sense of wanting to promote ARCS Foundation on both the local and national level,” says Judy LeMarr, Phoenix Chapter President. “Phoenix has always filled leadership positions at National, which surely encourages participation.”

Here were the top rankings for each challenge in 2022-2023:

Participation Challenge (the highest member participation)

  1. Phoenix
  2. Oregon
  3. Orange County
  4. Los Angeles
  5. Atlanta

Champion Challenge (the most dollars raised overall)

  1. Phoenix
  2. Atlanta
  3. Metro Washington
  4. Pittsburgh
  5. Utah

Christine Hawes, VP of Finance for ARCS National and ARCS Phoenix Chapter member, says, “We are fortunate to have so many generous members and friends of ARCS who join us in sustaining the National organization, in addition to providing support to their local Chapters. We are so grateful to all our donors!”

Donations to ARCS National are used to elevate the visibility of scholars and their work. They help promote the ARCS brand and national visibility through social media, press releases, and a monthly newsletter. Since ARCS Foundation’s inception in 1958, the organization has awarded more than $131 million to more than 11,500 scholars.

To learn more about ARCS and discover ways to donate, visit