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Caron Ogg's Last President Letter to ARCS

Posted on Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Dear ARCS Friends,
As my two-year term ends, I want to thank the National Board, committee chairs, and committee members for the many ways they devoted their time and talent to ARCS Foundation. I am proud of the work that our chapters’ leaders and National Board members have accomplished to advance our mission while proactively moving ARCS into the future. I want to take a moment to share some of our accomplishments.

1. The new Strategic Plan was approved at the National Board Meeting on June 10, 2023.

This was our biggest undertaking over the past two years under the direction of an experienced consultant and the Long-Range Planning Committee. Our goals:

  • Develop financial sustainability to ensure ARCS continues to thrive and succeed in the future
  • Structure and operate the Board to effectively and efficiently accomplish ARCS Foundation’s goals
  • Develop a robust integrated infrastructure to meet ARCS Foundation’s organizational scalability and growth goals
  • Expand awareness of ARCS Foundation’s mission, impact, and opportunities
  • Support Chapters in the acquisition and retention of a diverse and robust membership
  • Provide excellent programs and services to meet the needs of the Chapters, members, and scholars
  • Define and implement an efficient and sustainable staff and volunteer model

 2. ARCS National received a $100,000 grant from the Danaher Foundation giving ARCS the opportunity to support thirteen new scholars this Fall in five chapters where Danaher has a presence (Metro WA, Illinois, Northern California, Minnesota, and Orange County).

3. The Silver Family Foundation donated $2M to ARCS Foundation for the purpose of making ARCS a sustainable organization.

4. ARCS National will be rolling out the Enterprise Risk Management Plan, so ARCS will be prepared for emerging crises.

5. ARCS National inducted Heidi Hammel into the Hall of Fame, who made significant contributions to astronomy utilizing both the Hubble and James Webb Space telescopes that have expanded our understanding of planetary science and the frontier of space. Heidi is a scholar alum from the Honolulu Chapter.

6. This fiscal year recommendations from the University Relations Committee were approved:

  • Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University, School of Public Health, Epidemiology Program and Health Systems and Policy Program
  • Applied Mathematics as a Subject Area of Study
  • University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Applied Mathematics
  • Revisions to the University Relations Manual

7. ARCS National has expanded its role to support chapters by developing tools to empower chapter leaders.

8. The newly created DEI Committee is developing three programs:

  • Model for ARCS Scholar Mentoring Program to be piloted by the Pittsburgh Chapter.
  • Piloted ARCS ACCESS, a Scholar/Alum virtual network in four chapters: Northern California, San Diego, Illinois, and Minnesota.
  • Developed a Membership Conversation Tool for chapters to discuss barriers to membership.

9. ARCS Foundation Luminary Award
This is a newly created special, discretionary award that represents the highest recognition for service to ARCS National. The inaugural recipient was announced at the June 10, 2023, National Board Meeting. Click HERE to read about the recipient, Sandra Mattuecci.
It has been a pleasure to get to personally know and work with many ARCS members across our fifteen chapters. I cherish your friendship, the opportunity to listen and learn from you, and your support.
Looking ahead, I am thrilled Beth Wainwright, from the Pittsburgh Chapter, will become ARCS National President on July 1, 2023! She will be a fantastic president to lead ARCS Foundation forward.
Wishing you a safe and happy summer!

Caron Ogg
National President

ARCS National President Caron Ogg